Friday, April 17, 2009

iSalsa2 Workshop Series: Carmen Guynn

As part of the ongoing workshop series that iSalsa2 puts forward, the very talented Carmen Guynn made the trip from St. Louis to the University of Illinois campus for a workshop this past Saturday at the CRCE multi-purpose room. This is not the first class Carmen has taught for us, and we were very pleased to have her return.

The three hour workshop, which was free for any UIUC students, covered a refreshing variety of material – we spent time first on basic technique, then moved on to some more advanced partner work, and finished by learning a bit of in-depth choreography (or “shines,” for those of you familiar with the term).

With a relatively small class size, we had the benefit of a great deal of personal attention from miss Guynn, which made the material quick to learn and a hell of a lot of fun. I’d say what I took most from the workshop was leading cues – Carmen paid a lot of attention to the guy’s hand placement and how to let our partners know where we needed them to be, which I feel is a skill of paramount importance that is sometimes glossed over in beginner classes.

All in all, we had a fantastic time, and learned a lot. I certainly hope to see miss Guynn here again, and remember, the workshops are free for UIUC students (and only $10 otherwise). A big thanks and high-ten to Carmen from all of us at iSalsa2.

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